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INI File | 2003-07-30 | 5.6 KB | 273 lines |
- //
- //
- //
- // fonts range from 00-15
- // messages range from 00-99
- // each message (00-99) uses one of the fonts (00-15),
- // but not you can override the properties of the font for any given message.
- // all parameters have default values & can be omitted,
- // except the message text.
- // comment lines begin with two slashes: //
- // max. size of this file is 64 KB (65,536 bytes)
- //
- //
- //
- // to invoke a message, use the numbers at the top of your keyboard
- // to enter its 2-digit code (00-99).
- // if you type in the first digit and then realize you messed up,
- // hit BACKSPACE to start over.
- // to get milkdrop to re-read this file while it is running
- // (because you made changes), use the BACKSPACE key when you haven't
- // yet entered any digits for the next preset.
- //
- //
- //
- // font format:
- // [font##] // ## is the ID of the font and ranges from 00 up through 15.
- // face={textstring} // the name of the font face (courier, courier new, garamond, etc.)
- // bold={0|1} // bold? 0 for no, 1 for yes
- // ital={0|1} // italicized? 0 for no, 1 for yes
- // r={int:0..255} // red color component: 0-255
- // g={int:0..255} // green color component: 0-255
- // b={int:0..255} // blue color component: 0-255
- //
- //
- // message format:
- // [message##] // type in this 2-digit code (##) at runtime to show the message
- // text={textstring} // the text string to show for this custom message
- // font={int:0..15} // the font ID to use
- // size={int:0..100} // the font size (0=tiny, 100=enormous, 40-60=normal range)
- // growth={float:0.25 .. 4.0} // the factor to grow or shrink by over time.
- // // 0.5=shrink to half-size, 2.0=grow to double size, etc.
- // x={float:0..1} // the x-position of the center of the text
- // // (0.0=left side, 1.0=right side)
- // y={float:0..1} // the y-position of the center of the text
- // // (0.0=top, 1.0=bottom)
- // randx={float:0..1} // x-randomization: x will be bumped within +/- this value
- // randy={float:0..1} // y-randomization: y will be bumped within +/- this value
- // time={float:0..999} // the amount of time (in seconds) for which the text will show
- // fade={float:0..1} // the % of that time (0..1) that will be spent fading-in the text
- // face={textstring} // font face override
- // ital={0|1} // font italics override
- // bold={0|1} // font bold override
- // r={int:0..255} // font color override
- // g={int:0..255} // font color override
- // b={int:0..255} // font color override
- // randr={int:0..255} // red color randomization: r will be bumped within +/- this value
- // randg={int:0..255} // green color randomization: g will be bumped within +/- this value
- // randb={int:0..255} // blue color randomization: b will be bumped within +/- this value
- [font00]
- face=arial
- bold=1
- ital=0
- [font01]
- face=monotype corsiva
- bold=0
- ital=0
- [font02]
- face=courier new
- bold=1
- ital=0
- [font03]
- face=times new roman
- bold=1
- ital=0
- [font04]
- face=century gothic
- bold=0
- ital=0
- [font05]
- face=garamond
- bold=1
- ital=0
- [font06]
- face=wingdings
- bold=0
- ital=0
- [font07]
- face=impact
- bold=0
- ital=0
- [font08]
- face=arial
- bold=0
- ital=0
- r=255
- g=100
- b=0
- [font09]
- face=webdings
- bold=0
- ital=0
- [message00]
- text=This is a test...
- font=0
- fade=0.4
- time=1.2
- size=50
- growth=2.0
- x=0.5
- y=0.2
- [message01]
- text=...of the MilkDrop Broadcast System
- font=1
- size=40
- growth=0.8
- x=0.5
- y=0.8
- time=1.5
- fade=0.45
- [message02]
- text=((( in surround where available )))
- font=1
- size=40
- growth=0.8
- time=1.5
- fade=0.45
- [message03]
- text=cheese
- font=2
- size=80
- r=255
- g=200
- b=0
- growth=1.0
- [message04]
- text=b
- font=9
- bold=1
- size=100
- time=0.8
- fade=0.5
- r=200
- g=200
- b=255
- randx=0.02
- randy=0.02
- randr=100
- randg=100
- randb=100
- [message05]
- text=milkdrop rules
- font=6
- size=48
- fade=0.3
- r=230
- g=230
- b=190
- [message06]
- text=www.geisswerks.com
- font=4
- size=55
- fade=0.25
- r=100
- g=255
- b=128
- [message07]
- text=www.winamp.com
- font=1
- size=60
- fade=0.3
- r=0
- g=128
- b=255
- [message11]
- text=testing...
- font=8
- size=60
- [message12]
- text=testing...
- font=8
- size=60
- r=255
- g=0
- b=0
- [message13]
- text=testing...
- font=8
- size=60
- ital=1
- [message14]
- text=testing...
- font=8
- size=60
- bold=1
- [message15]
- text=testing...
- font=8
- size=60
- face=garamond
- [message88]
- text=m
- font=2
- size=55
- time=0.5
- fade=0.1
- randx=0.5
- randy=0.5
- [message50]
- text=%
- size=100
- time=0
- [message92]
- text=%
- size=100
- [message93]
- text=l
- size=100
- [message94]
- text=j
- size=100
- [message95]
- text=d
- font=2
- size=100
- [message96]
- text=ggg
- size=100
- [message97]
- text=g
- font=2
- size=100
- [message98]
- text=g
- size=100
- [message99]
- text=hail to the thief
- font=2
- size=47